About the Artist

Alissa about to toss up more rice.

Meet Alissa

Alissa’s love for art began at a young age. As she got older, she would sell her pieces to classmates. Eventually, she started her career as a registered occupational therapist. Due to the changing needs of her family, she transitioned to working from home to help meet their needs.

Fried Rice Art started in 2021 when her rice art toss-ups went viral in a matter of days after she created her account on TikTok. Today, she has over 3.5 million followers on TikTok and 2.1 million on YouTube. Alissa stays motivated by creating pieces that are encouraging and put a smile on your face.

In over 3 years, Alissa has created 500+ rice toss ups for fans and companies combined. Take a look at some of the Rice Art Tosses That Went Viral.

In addition to working for known brands, Alissa loves making pieces for her fans. She has completed pieces for several series, including favorite known characters, Super Mario, anime, sports, flags, holidays and special occasions, and of course, food.


“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” - Colossians 3:17 ESV

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